Room 119 Reflections
Find out what’s happening in Room 119

Santa Letters

santacomp.jpgCheck out our classwork2 page for some great letters to Santa! Feel free to write comments to your classmates about their letters. I hope you all have been good boys and girls this year!

Mrs. McC

6 Responses to “Santa Letters”

  1. Dear Mrs. McC,
    What are you doing for Christmas???? Anything exciting???
    I’m staying home and my friend Keeton is coming from Washington. And i’m moving in January. ( still in St. Joe) Well have a good Christmas!!!

    Your student,

    Jenna 🙂

  2. Mrs. McC and classmates!!

    I thought everyones Santa Letters were really good. I’m glad you learned how to make a smiley face!! Heres how you make one. press : and then ) and then it makes 🙂 and heres how to show a really happy smiley face!! Press : then – then the letter D and it makes 😀 Now you know! Have a great weekend/ day!!!

  3. Sorry 119classwork is Jenna!! Theres nowhere to write your name on the bottom of my computer!!

  4. 119 is Jenna Jenna Jenna Sorry!!

  5. im so sorry again there is a place to write your name! got it now

    Jenna Babenna~

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